
Important Information

The following Smarter Benefits are introduced by Smarter Communities Pty Ltd ABN 25 065 006 859 and/or its subsidiaries for which Smarter Communities receives a commission.

1. CHU Contents Insurance and Landlords Insurance are issued by CHU Underwriting Agencies Pty Ltd ABN 18 001 580 070 (AFS Licence No: 243261), an underwriting agency acting on behalf of the insurer: QBE Insurance (Australia) Limited ABN 78 003 191 035 (AFS Licence No: 239545). Smarter Communities receives a commission of 7% and 15% on new business and renewal of Contents Insurance and/or Landlords Insurance policies respectively. The exclusive discount on standard insurance premiums for Contents and Landlords Insurance are only applied when a policy is purchased via the unique linkĀ smartercommunities.com.au/chu.

2. Mitchell Brandtman, The Trustee for Mitbrand NSW ACT ABN 38 372 658 067, is the issuer of the discounted Tax Depreciation Schedule. Smarter Communities receives a referral fee of $50 including GST per Tax Depreciation Schedule ordered. This exclusive offer is only available when a request is submitted via the unique linkĀ smartercommunities.com.au/mb

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