
Recipients of emailed communications should be aware of the below disclaimer when receiving communications via email from Smarter Communities Pty Ltd ABN 25 065 006 859) and its subsidiaries and associated entities (“Smarter Communities”).

Smarter Communities’ Subsidiary Companies include the following:

  • Adelaide Strata Management Pty Ltd ABN 73 058 476 056 trading as Adelaide Strata & Community Management
  • Challenge Business Group Pty Ltd ABN 97 003 450 315 trading as Challenge Strata Management
  • Ernst Body Corporate Management Pty Ltd ABN 87 010 209 784
  • Strata Title Management Group Pty Ltd ABN 43 119 665 762
  • Victoria Body Corporate Services Pty Ltd ABN 85 007 034 522

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Lot owner(s) from a strata scheme managed by Smarter Communities should be aware that all correspondence, including letters, facsimile transmissions and emails are retained on file of the related scheme and may be subject to inspection by owners and residents within that scheme, as well as prospective purchasers for any lot that may be for sale within that scheme. As such discretion is advised.

If any email is sent from a site other than a site belonging to the original communicating entity, this disclaimer is made for and on behalf of the original communicating entity.

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